- Reflections on the Library Work? 关于图书馆工作的几点思考?
- A person who is a specialist in library work. 图书管理员在图书馆工作的专业人员
- Readers' service is the core of the library work. 读者服务工作是图书馆工作的核心。
- Knowledge promulgation is the start and the endresult of library work. 这也是图书馆工作的出发点和归宿。
- First, a look at how shared libraries work. 首先来看一下共享程序库的工作原理。
- Electronizationand informationization demand higher qualities of librarians for the library work in the 21st century. 21世纪图书馆工作的电子化、信息化给图书馆员提出了更高的素质要求。
- Nowadays how to make good use of electronic and paper-based periodicals is becoming a critical part of library work. 当前,如何利用好电子期刊与印刷型期刊成为图书馆期刊工作的重中之重。
- The concrete application of SQL in the library work embodies in its powerful query features. SQL在图书馆工作中的具体应用,主要体现为其强大的查询功能。
- Discusses the circulation and feedback of library work, and analyzes the application of them in library work management. 论述图书馆业务工作的循环性与反馈性,并分析其在图书馆业务管理中的一些应用。
- Literature managerial work either is starting point and fundament of studying on library science, or is basic content of library work. 文献管理工作既是图书馆学研究的起点和基础,又是图书馆工作的基本内容。
- Since primary schools do not employ full-time librarians, the library collection is usually run by a teacher with a special responsibility for library work. 因为小学不雇专职的图书馆员,所以图书馆的藏书通常由一名专门负责图书馆工作的教师来承担。
- What this text introspect is not the anti automation, but the bane that "only the technique theory" learns research, the library work for library and may bring. 文章反思的并非是自动化本身, 而是“唯技术论”给图书馆学研究、图书馆工作可能带来的危害。
- Argentine present age renowned writer Bor Hess was engaged in the library work all his life,the rich reading life brought the inspiration for his creation. 阿根廷当代著名作家博尔赫斯一生从事图书馆工作,丰富的阅读生活给他的创作带来了灵感。
- Wiki is that a kind of network rising in recent years exchanges the platform,Opening,sharing,person who cooperate of it make it apply the library work become possible. wiki是近年来兴起的一种网络交流平台,它的开放性、共享性和协作性使其应用于图书馆工作成为可能。
- Argentine present age renowned writer Bor Hess was engaged in the library work all his life, the rich reading life brought the inspiration for his creation. 摘要阿根廷当代著名作家博尔赫斯一生从事图书馆工作,丰富的阅读生活给他的创作带来了灵感。
- This paper expounds how to externalize the humanist thought in the library work from three aspects of the library's buildings,service for readers and librarian management. 从图书馆建筑、读者服务和馆员管理等3个方面论述了在图书馆工作中如何体现人本思想。
- Abstract: Argentine present age renowned writer Bor Hess was engaged in the library work all his life, the rich reading life brought the inspiration for his creation. 文章摘要: 阿根廷当代著名作家博尔赫斯一生从事图书馆工作,丰富的阅读生活给他的创作带来了灵感。
- The Library Working Group (LWG) will continue to accept defect reports from committee members until the TR is finished. 库工作小组(LWG)将会从标准委员会成员处接受错误报告,直到TR工作结束。
- Introducing the Customer Relationship Management(CRM) to the library management is complied with the library working pattern approaches "take the reader as the center". 把客户关系管理(CRM)引入图书馆管理,符合图书馆的“以读者为中心”的工作模式。